You're Probably Deficient in This...

Sunny Seed Co Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium helps to regulate the activity of more than 325 enzymes and vital bodily functions, including the elimination of harmful toxins, but most Americans are magnesium deficient. Yikes!Researchers and physicians report that raising your magnesium levels may:

  • Improve heart and circulatory health

  • Improve the body's ability to use insulin

  • Flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances

  • Improve nerve function by regulating electrolytes

  • Relieve stress & boost mood

  • Relax the muscles

  • Reduce inflammation and relieve pain

  • Help absorb nutrients

  • Relax the nervous system and improve sleep

  • Increase immune function

  • Regulate activity of enzymes

    (Source )



One of my favorite ways to increase my magnesium levels is with a detox bath using Epsom Salts. Epsom Salts also deliver sulfates, which play a vital role in the formation of brain tissue, digestion, and are believed to help detoxify the body’s residue of medicines and environmental contaminants.


  1. Begin to fill a relaxing bath with hot water.

  2. Add 1 tsp ascorbic acid or 1/4 c baking soda to neutralize chlorine in the water

  3. Then add unscented Epsom Salt (use about 2tbs for babies, 1/2c for kids, or 2c for mama)

  4. Turn the hot water off and let the epsom salt dissolve before you get in.

  5. Additional options:

  • add 1/2c Bentonite Clay to pull the toxins out

  • add 1/4-1/2c ACV to balance pH, detox, and reduce inflammation

  • add 1/2c coconut oil and 4 drops of essential oils



Try this 1x per week or as needed.

Soak for 20 min.

Don’t wash your body with toxic soaps because your pores will be wide open.

Be sure to only use pure magnesium sulfate. Epsom salts that contain fragrances, essential oils, or any other ingredients beyond magnesium sulfate could contain toxic ingredients, which would defeat the purpose.

Drink lots of water!

Magnesium is best absorbed through skin so you could also try a magnesium oil or lotion to increase your magnesium levels. I spray the oil on my legs every night and it helps me get into a deep, restorative sleep. If your skin is typically sensitive, try a small amount at first or the sensitive spray. Too much can sometimes create a slight tingling sensation.

As always, only you are responsible for your health. I am not a doctor and do not know your personal sensitivities or medical history. Please continue your research and advocate for your healthiest self. I'm cheering you on!

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