Sadly, there is so much information floating around the internet that is not serving our children. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why
65% of students in the US are not reading proficiently.
When it comes to our kids’ development and learning, let’s look at the research to make respectful, informed decisions that honor their development and one precious childhood.
Phonological awareness is one of the six critical components of reading instruction, which actually begins to develop in the early childhood years. These skills create strong readers and spellers and are major predictors of success in school.
The best part?
They can be taught with fun sound games that take one minute a day.
So, what happens if we don’t address letters and sounds in early childhood?
Well, for starters, our kids can begin the most defining years of their academic life already feeling that they’re behind. The social-academic struggle of being compared to other children or being pulled out of the classroom for remedial instruction is damaging to a child’s confidence. If the building blocks of these skills aren’t in place by kindergarten, children are playing catch up from the very beginning.
90% of children with reading struggles have problems with phonemic awareness. Children cannot understand phonics if this critical foundation isn’t in place.
My goal is to equip parents to properly and effectively weave this into everyday childhood (when these skills are supposed to be taught!) that feels both easy to you as the parent and fun to your child. We are not disrupting the magic of childhood.

Parents are busy and (rightfully so) uninformed on how to effectively support their child's reading journey.
The truth is, most teachers don't understand this either!
This book breaks it down into two parts: background and application.
It will teach a parent everything they need to know, like a trusted cliff-notes version of my Master's degree, but it will also make it practical, and spoonfed to make it achievable!
Simple, simple sound games in order, with exactly what to say and do!
All it takes is one minute and zero prep.
Laying a strong foundation in Phonological and Phonemic Awareness is an absolute game changer for kids and is the most important component of literacy instruction. We must have these skills in place in order to properly decode and understand phonics.
This 93-page ebook provides a comprehensive understanding of these key skills for children two years old through first grade. It includes the research, background, and 65 skill-building activities to equip, educate, and empower you to teach PA with confidence in just one minute a day!
Consider it a proactive approach to prevent reading struggles and expensive tutors down the road.
everybody likes a good deal.
psst … get all 3 of my best-selling e-books for just $65!
The fine print
This is a downloadable PDF. It will be emailed to you after payment has been received.
Please be sensitive to the fact that many, many hours of work went into this project, as well as the countless hours and steep cost of graduate school I invested in to bring you practical, research-based child development and literacy expertise. I have intentionally priced this guide so that it’s widely accessible.
No part of this ebook may be reproduced, transmitted or shared in any form or by any means (electronic or mechanical), including photocopying, emailing, texting, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. Such violation of these terms will be met with legal action. By purchasing this guide, you agree to these terms.