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 wanna join this clean beauty party?

we’re ready for you!

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 What are the consultant basics?

• Enjoy 25% discount (often more)

• Earn 25-35% commission on sales

• Earn cash rewards, free products, and vacations

• No requirements to build a team or hold inventory

• Work how and when you want

• Get training, resources, mentorship, and support from me and our team of leaders

• Enrollment only costs $21 for Band of Beauty members or $50 for non-members

Frequently Asked Questions


↓ Are there monthly minimums for consultants?

Nope, zero monthly requirements. No autoships, no minimums before you start earning, and no requirements to build a team. Consulants are required to reach $1200 in activity every six months. This includes your personal orders and sales. If your actively sharing, this is no big deal. You can honestly reach this in one day (I’ll help get you there!) If for some reason you can’t hit these minimums (very unlikely, but hey, no biggie), you’ll get bumped down to a Band of Beauty membership at the end of the six months. There are no penalties, contracts, or fees.

↓ What if I’m not salesy?

Thank goodness! People can see right through that. We want consultants to help others, educate, and share authentically.

My advice would be not to sell. No one likes that! Instead, be genuine. Talk about the importance of safer products. Share what you love. Do you tell your friends and family about a great book you read, your new favorite restaurant, or an awesome sale? Yes, you do! To me, sharing clean products is the same and I’m really happy to help others on their journey to safer products.

↓ What if I’m new to cleaner living?

That’s great; hooray for taking the first step! Share your journey with others. It can help so many others see that little changes truly add up and maybe you’ll inspire them along the way! Everyone starts somewhere.

↓ How do I share Beautycounter?

Sharing about Beautycounter is unique to every consultant, but the people who do best are always consistent. This business takes time to build trust and interest. Share in a way that feels authentic to you and your audience will know you’re sharing because it is something you truly love!

↓ What kind of support will I receive?

Beautycounter has a ton of amazing training, both online and in-person. When you sign up through me, I become your mentor (woo!!). You get 1:1 access to me and my team of leaders. We share all of our resources.

I like to use the Voxer app, which is like a walkie-talkie so we can quickly chat back and forth without having to text. This is ideal for juggling working life with kiddos and allows me to answer all of your questions quickly.

You will never feel alone in this business. I feel like I have the best coworkers – now my friends – in the world and the people I get to work with is a huge reason I love this side job so much.

↓ Can I be successful if I don’t have a large social media following?

Yes, absolutely! People want to know they can trust you, and that comes with a smaller, more intimate following. Some of the top leaders in our company have very small IG followings and you’ll have access to their mentorship as well.

↓ Can I be successful without in-person contacts?

Yep! There are a lot of variations to achieving success with this business. I became a consultant right after I moved (#militarylife)…meaning, I didn’t know anyone. I was not comfortable hosting in-person pop-up parties with strangers so started sharing with online friends on Instagram and inviting people into my daily routines. Leading with education grew my business.

The world doesn’t need another person telling you what to buy. They need information and empowerment to take back their health!