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You don’t need expensive curriculums and academic-based preschools to prepare your kids for future learning success

More information isn’t always best.



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If your child is struggling with their letters, there are SO many options out there. It's a crowded space. It’s overwhelming…but it’s also filled with a lot of materials that actually set your child back.

Most parents unfortunately don’t know the difference between activities created by a reading specialist to help their child succeed and lessons reinforcing the exact problems that are causing your child to stumble. 

These materials may have great marketing teams, but the results for your child are phony.

For example, did you know that emphasizing letters “in alphabetical order” is one of the easiest ways to confuse your child, yet most materials use the alphabet song as a foundational exercise. 

When really, the letter sounds are much more important to understand than their names and what order they go in. 

If the building blocks of these foundational skills found in the basics of the alphabet aren’t in place by kindergarten, children are playing catch up from the very beginning.

But flashcards and other drills don’t honor a child’s development.


What you need is a way to effectively weave the alphabet into the  everyday parts of growing up…w

ithout disrupting the magic of childhood.


Ready to teach your child the correct way?

By using a simple, multi-sensory, research-based approach that respects the way children learn best, kids can experience more enjoyment and confidence in literacy. 

With 100+ activity ideas! 

You’ll get the latest research and my professional expertise as a reading specialist. 


So, what happens if we don’t address letters and sounds in early childhood?

kids can begin the most defining years of their academic life already feeling that they’re behind. The social-academic struggle of being compared to other children or being pulled out of the classroom for remedial instruction is damaging to a child’s confidence. If the building blocks of these skills aren’t in place by kindergarten, children are playing catch up from the very beginning.

Alphabet knowledge is one of the strongest predictors of reading success and it’s one of the first experiences kids have learning literacy.

My goal is to equip parents to properly and effectively weave this into everyday childhood (when these skills are supposed to be taught!) that feels both easy to you as the parent and fun to your child. We are not disrupting the magic of childhood.


This ebook includes everything parents, teachers, homeschoolers, and caregivers need to know about teaching letters, letter sounds, and handwriting with kiddos two through kindergarten.

It includes over 200 pages of ready to use resources, activities, scripted lessons, and the latest research, along with my professional expertise as a reading specialist to answer all of your most asked questions about letters, letter sounds, and handwriting, including: 

  • Should we begin with lowercase or uppercase letters?

  • Should we teach letter names or letter sounds first?

  • What order should I teach the letters?  How do I teach them?

  • When and how to begin handwriting? 

  • How do I prioritize play, while also help my child feel prepared for school? 

Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $15.00

The fine print

This is a downloadable PDF. It will be emailed to you after payment has been received.

Please be sensitive to the fact that many, many hours of work went into this project, as well as the countless hours and steep cost of graduate school I invested in to bring you practical, research-based child development and literacy expertise. I have intentionally priced this guide so that it’s widely accessible.

No part of this ebook may be reproduced, transmitted or shared in any form or by any means (electronic or mechanical), including photocopying, emailing, texting, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. Such violation of these terms will be met with legal action. By purchasing this guide, you agree to these terms.
